Click here to view the chords
MOONLIGHT Densetsu is the Japanese version of the opening song of Sailor Moon. When I was a kid there was nothing I hated more than Sailor Moon because I hated girly things (and yet for some reason I liked Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure; go figure). It wasn't until I was older when I tried watching the series and actually enjoyed it somewhat.
The intro song, however, has to be one of the catchiest tunes out there cause it's been stuck in my head since the first time I heard it. It's crazy, dude! like some kind of warped fusion of a Bubble Gum Pop Song, a Russian Folk Song, and a Bond Theme all in one. Whoever came up with it is a genius of highest caliber.
Anyways, here's the chords for the intro. This is the Japanese version of the song. I may also submit the chords for the English version if people want it or if I feel like it.
Enjoy playing.